I'm breaking my unintentional blog silence to tell you about my adventure at Craft Weekend. If you aren't familiar with the event, you can find out more at Meg's blog or the Craft Weekend blog.
If you follow me on instagram (recipeforcrazy) you have seen some of these pictures but there are many more in this post!
I have sponsored this event a couple times so I am pretty familiar with how Craft Weekend works, not to mention, my sister has been a helper from time to time. So when I was asked to come as a helper I jumped at the opportunity. Let's be honest, I was a little nervous about being around a bunch of ladies that live to craft as I'm not known for my crafty side. But, those nerves were calmed as soon as the first night kicked off.
My sister was also going as a helper this weekend so that helped my nerves even more. We drove up to Kansas together and I'm so glad I had her to keep me company. Although we see each other often, we rarely have one-on-one time, just the two of us, no kids or interruptions so the three hour drive was a huge blessing to me.

As soon as we arrived, I took a quick tour of the craft house and oohed and ahhed at the beauty around every turn. I loved the color and fun prints that brightened each room.

My favorite room in the house? So glad you asked. The kitchen.

It's the size of half my house. Room to spread out, tons of counter space, white cabinets, color everywhere and huge tables. Glorious. Just glorious. I took a ridiculous amount of pictures to show my husband and to keep on file for when we start planning our house.
Another great thing about the kitchen is the amazing Kimberlee.

I have drooled over many of her recipes and could not wait to watch her work her magic. Kimberlee is one of those people that just oozes friendliness and fun. We talked for hours and hours while in the kitchen and for me, the whole trip was worth it just to hang out with her.
I'll save you from recapping the weekend with a bunch of stories and just let you see some pictures.

Let's take a break in pictures to talk about technology and how much I love it. This was the longest stretch of time I've been away from my girls. Ever. It was rough on me. Thankfully we have an ipad (thanks again mom and dad) and I was able to see my girls each day. I cried. A lot. But I made it through it. It was hard to be away but much needed too.

Back to pictures.

Can you tell I had a great time?!
The people were great. I learned to sew! The food was ah-mazing. The whole weekend, just perfect.
Thanks for having me, Meg and Kimberlee. And thanks for letting me join the fun, Ash.

If you're interested in going, you need to sign up to be on the waiting list. I'm on the list and hope to go again, whether as a helper or crafter.
Until next time, whatever craft weekend, until next time.