I live in the great state of Oklahoma where I share my life with my best friend/high school sweetheart/love of my life/husband and our two girls.

God has blessed me with an incredible life and awesome family and we try to live life to the fullest and, to quote one of my favorite country songs, "share are the love and laughter that a lifetime will allow."

I get the privilege of staying home to raise our kiddos but before I became a stay/work-at-home mom, I made a living as a graphic designer. I still love to design and you can find my work in my Etsy shop, including my recent hand-lettered designs. I also have the honor to be one of the Local Makers for west elm OKC and Tulsa!

My husband and I bought a little piece of land, you can read more of the story here, and our dream is to build a home and be as self-sustaining as possible. It may sound crazy to many, but I'm okay with a little crazy. Right now we live in Tulsa and are living out our dream on a small scale with chickens and our garden. You see more of our gardening/farm adventures on instagram #zellersfarminourbackyard.

When I'm not picking up after the tornado that is my children or doing the oh-so-glamorous chores of laundry, dishes and housework, I love spending time with my husband and our girls, cooking, eating Mexican food, Thai food and donuts, drinking coffee and snapping pictures of our garden.
I also love !!! like they're going out of style: collecting measuring spoons & cups, my iphone, sketchbook and pens are my buddies and I carry them in my Prince Street bag from ONA! You can find more of my design favorites here. And every now and then, I find a spare minute and blog a little here.
So that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for stopping by!