Yes, we are expecting another little one. Due date is set for April 1. Seriously, I'm not foolin' (get it, due date on April Fool's, yes I'm a nerd).
That means I'm close to 10 weeks along. It's a bit early than I wanted to share the news but the husband has been telling pretty much everyone - including strangers - so I caved and decided to share the news here too.

I haven't been feeling the greatest and I've been extremely tired. Like, I wake up and feel like I need a nap and have been falling asleep on the couch just after we put P down to bed (8pm). I don't really have a routine when it comes to writing this thing. Sometimes I write in the morning (when I was doing Insanity and up before the rest of the house - clearly I'm no longer doing that crazy workout) sometimes I write when P's down for her naps. She still takes two naps a day and I've been trying to nap when she does but I just can't fall asleep during the day. And, other times I write at night, but seeing how I'm falling asleep at 8 or 9 I just had the energy or desire to do it.

As you guys know, I really like food, however, I have been feeling nauseous all the time and just cooking food makes me want to puke. Too much for ya in the morning? Sorry, but seriously, the other night I was cooking ground turkey and almost had to stop and leave the house all together. The stench permeated the house and I didn't think the stink would ever go away. Needless to say, I didn't eat that meal and I certainly didn't have the stomach to stand near it to take a picture!
However, if I don't have to cook it, food isn't so bad. Bring on the donuts and ice cream.
All that to say there probably won't be many food posts for a bit. And since food is something I talk about a lot here, that probably means I won't be posting as often.
So, there you have it, I'm pregnant and preparing for a new little one. Ohhh, I am so excited about holding a teeny-tiny, sweet-baby-smelling little one.
Anyway, happy Wednesday and thank you for all the sweet comments yesterday!