Jan 1, 2018

1 second everyday 2017

Or at least almost everyday.

2017 I liked you, a lot.


  1. Hi Lesley!
    I started following your sister's blog a few years ago. I saw a post about you (your gender reveal for Colton) and started checking your insta. It was so much fun seeing your family and watch C come into your life. I'm 17 (in Dallas, TX) and I'm finishing up my last year of high school. I've gone to an online public school for practically my whole life and I love that your kids are homeschooled! You really are a super mom!
    Thank you so much for sharing your sunshine and rainbows with us. God bless you and your lovely family.

  2. I would love to know how you decide when/what to video. You seem to capture lots of great moments but I'm guessing you don't spend all day staging videod moments. Kelly


I know it can be a little scary but go on, I'd love to hear from you!