Mar 22, 2012

20 Months and Talking Up a Storm

Next week Sweet P will be 20 months and it's evident how much she's grown in less than a year.


She has some mad jumping skills. She's really funny and LOVES making people laugh. She has a super-tender little heart and oozes personality. She picks up something new every single day and repeats almost everything I say.


Her vocabulary is growing so fast and I wanted to document all the words she knows right now, or at least how she says them so I made a little list. Once I got started I couldn't believe how long it became. I'm sure I missed a ton but I ended it with the ones that were on the top of my head.


It amazes me how fast she learns things and I'm sure she'll be teaching her brother/sister all kinds of tricks. Until then, it's still just the three of us, anxiously awaiting baby #2's arrival!



  1. Colton always calls a horse a yee-haw since he watches old westerns with my grandpa. Haha!


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