Why 29? Well, I turned 29 last Tuesday, the 5th. Yep, the last year of my twenties. I officially feel old. Not as old as I'll probably feel in 355 days though!
So, here are some things that bring a smile to my face (in no particular order and don't think I'm going to get really deep on this):
1. napkins
Yeah, napkins, especially when you realize you're out of toilet paper!
2. Sharpies
They are my favorite thing to write with. I would be happy having a stocking full of them for Christmas or just a sock full of them any other day.
3. Brad Paisley tickets!!!
Yeah, my husband gets major points for this year's birthday present.
4. Sweets
Any form of sweets really, but you know I'm somewhat partial to donuts.
5. Cameras
I love my dslr my sister gave me for Christmas, but I also love my little point & shoot because it fits in my purse easily for any moment I may want to capture. For example:
This was from the ice storm in 2007. |
Random sighting in Tulsa |
6. haircuts
7. Pandora
8. Sweet P
I am madly, deeply, uncontrollably in love with my daughter.
9. baby stretches
10. baby smiles
11: Diapers.
Bless the person who invented disposable diapers. Bless them.
12. Mexican food
Mmmm, chips, salsa and queso. Yum.
13. Coffee
My favorite?
Topeca. Second fave: Rocket Brothers. Both are
local - which I LOVE.
Which brings me to 14: Drive-Thrus
Rocket Brothers is a drive-thru coffee shop. I love iced vanilla lattes from RB - PLUS you don't even have to ask for whipped cream, they automatically put it on for you. MMM.
Now, as a mom with a little one in a car seat I have a new found appreciation for drive-thrus! Who really wants to carry the car seat in with them to starbucks?
And who wants to unbuckle and wake a sleeping baby just so they can run in to the coffee house for their latte addiction?
15. note pads
I really can't have too many. You can usually find recipe notes on them, things I need to remember but I will probably forget since I can't find the note pad I wrote it on, and lots of little doodles.
I kind of want
16. The Husband.
He's pretty much awesome. He's my best friend. He's the daddy to our little girl. He surprises me with Brad Paisley tickets out of nowhere! He is one mean grilling machine. He makes me laugh. He's pretty hot, if I do say so myself. He has some mean dance skills. He's a great fishing partner and gardener.
17. The Animals
My little Duncan cracks me up all the time and Kota is just a goofy dog. She's a pit bull that thinks she's a min pin.
And then there's Pistol the Cat. He keeps the mice out of our house...and all the neighbors houses too.
18. Working from home
I'm so glad I have a job that is currently letting me work part-time from home. Anytime I want to look over at my girl I can. I do this a lot.
19. hoodie sweatshirts
20. Apple
The company, not the fruit...but I do like those too.
21. TOMS
They are super-comfortable and you are buying a pair for a kid in need every time you get a pair for yourself. Double win.
22. blogs that inspire
For random reasons in no order:
under the sycamore,
tasty kitchen,
prudent baby,
i do it yourself,
joy's hope,
young house love...
23. family
I am blessed to have my immediate family living so close. The husband and I have our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all living pretty much in the same city.
24. socks
As I mentioned before, I wear socks like they are house slippers or shoes. I don't care to wear shoes that much, but I don't like running around barefoot either. Socks make me smile, especially new socks with that super soft fuzzy inside.
25. jeans
And being able to fit back into them after having a baby. This is big stuff folks. Have you heard that song "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band? If not,
watch this. Anyway, the hubs and I were jamming out to it while I was hugely pregnant and he reminded me why that song didn't apply to me.
Here are the lyrics he was referring to:
"You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio up"
He's a sweetie.
26. really good food
At a restaurant so I don't have to do the dishes after.
27. hot showers
28. quiet time
29. outdoors