Apr 25, 2011

Easter Leaf Hunting

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend. Ours was filled with egg hunting, family, church and food

Sweet P had her first Eater egg hunt. I thought it would be appropriate that she wore her sister-cousin's first Easter dress from last year (Nana made it). I sat her down next to two brightly colored eggs and she passed those up for a leaf. I'm telling you folks, the girl LOVES the outdoors and loves leaves. She eventually put the leaf down to examine the eggs.

Later that day she was ready for her next egg hunt. First, let me show you how my family hides eggs.

Some are camo.

Some are hidden under things of the same color, like a fly swatter.

And others blend right in.

hint: the egg is gold

It's tough stuff so while the older boys were busy hunting, I sat P down next to an egg. And again, she went for a leaf first before she decided to check out the eggs!

Ha. Oh well. Maybe next year.

I'm saving a couple of my favorite shots for Thursday's Embrace the Camera, but for now, here's my little family's first Easter pic and P in her dress Nana made!

Hope you had a great weekend.


  1. Wow those eggs really are hidden. I would probably give up after finding 3 of them.

  2. The dresses are all so cute! Where do you get her headbands?

  3. Thanks guys!

    Allison, I made all the headbands. Fabric, felt, elastic and hot glue!

  4. she is so darling!!!! what a great weekend.


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