Mar 11, 2011

More Changes

Ok folks, stick with me here. I'm doing more changes to the ol blog. I liked my previous header but I kept thinking, this is more than just about muffins!

Ha! Don't know why but that makes me laugh.

Anyway, I changed the name to Recipe for crazy, because, well, that's our life - a little crazy. And I like crazy.

And the definitions of crazy pretty much fit:
  • one who is or acts crazy (me, what?)
  • full of cracks or flaws (ahem, duh.)
  • being out of the ordinary (I like to think so anyway)
  • distracted with desire or excitement

And recipe, well, you know, I like food. So, anyway, new name, new header and probably more changes to come. I say all this as if you care!



  1. Love it! Very fitting. The new header looks great!


    in love with it, the name, the header, the pictures and everrrrything.

    fabulous, just like you.

    you are blog designer.

  3. I like the new look! I keep messing with mine too. I will get it where I want it...eventually!

  4. Thank you guys!! And, Danielle, you totally cracked me up!

    AshelyAnn, a bunch! I don't know about a bunch of ingredients, but we'll add a little something!

  5. I'm a bit behind - having a blog catch-up while the teething baby finally sleeps (he's about the same age as your lovely Sweet P). LOVE the new name and header. Very fitting for life with a new little person on board :)


I know it can be a little scary but go on, I'd love to hear from you!