She was showing off her skills at the lake this weekend and sniffed out my sandwich and decided to help herself.

Oh, and to answer some questions about The Roadhouse, it's the same restaurant that used to be at Monkey Island - just new owners and new management. As far as I know the menu is similar but there are some changes and I wouldn't know what those are. The chef is the same and I believe the bartender is the same. If you go you'll probably see some familiar faces and some new ones too.
And how about a little more randomness to finish this off? Sweet P's birthday is coming up fast! I can't believe she's already 11 months old. Where did the time go? Someone please tell me. Anyway, I'm typically not too crafty but every now and then I decide to do a little project. This month's project is Sweet P's birthday party. I don't have much to say about it yet, but, I'm really excited.

More to come as my crafty streak continues.